How it all began

Catalina was born in Bogota, Colombia and moved to the Bay Area when she was three years old. Zach grew up in Maryland. In the spring of 2015, Zach made the move to San Francisco from Scottsdale to start his venture at Expensify. Not knowing many people, their mutual friends Emilie and Steven Bernitt thought their childhood best friends just had to meet. There were a lot of attempts at setting up Zach and Catalina. However, it wasn’t until January of 2016 at a concert, where Catalina spotted Zach in a crowd and debated introducing herself. After one swift pick-up line by Catalina, the two became inseparable.

Their love for one another flourished in San Francisco, a city that would forever be close to their hearts and set the scene for their engagement. In 2017, Zach and Catalina decided to begin their own journey together in Portland, Oregon where they currently live today. They have shared many incredible experiences together. Their love for their pup Capri, music, travel and adventure has always been passionately shared. They've traveled to Uruguay, Bora Bora, Italy, France, Spain, Thailand and Vietnam and have brought back amazing memories from each adventure.

Their love story is a true story of fate.

We are both so thankful and lucky to finally share this weekend surrounded by our closest family and friends. Your ongoing love and support means the world to us!

And the rest is history

It’s been three years since Zach first popped the question, and we thank you for bearing with us through various date and venue changes. A beachside Cabo wedding was truly meant to be. We look forward to sharing this weekend in Paradise with all of you.